ECLD on Polygon

Connecting the wallet to the Polygon blockchain and adding the Ethernity (ECLD) Token to our wallet.

Expand View

The first step is to expand our view from the Metamask Addon to a full Firefox tab in order for us to be able to copy and paste the settings easily.

Add Network

Now that our wallet has been created or restored we have to connect it to the Polygon blockchain to be able to access the funds. Please click on the "Add Network" button as shown below.

Polygon blockchain settings

Please complete the fields as shown in the picture below.

Network Name: Polygon Mainnet

Chain ID: 137

Currency Symbol (optional): MATIC

Block Explorer URL:

Press the save button and a confirmation message can be seen below when the Polygon network was successfully added as shown below:

Ethernity (ECLD) token

Custom Token

Click on "Import tokens" and then fill in the "Token Contract Address", "Token Symbol" and "Token Decimals"

Token Contract Address: 0xc6920888988cAcEeA7ACCA0c96f2D65b05eE22Ba

ECLD Token

Visually confirm the ECLD token and add it to our wallet.

Done! - You're all set

Last updated