Mainnet on Polygon


MainNet on Polygon is the production network for processing tasks in a secure, decentralized, and confidential cloud environment.

Requirements for running a node on polygon:

  • MATIC (recommended 10 MATIC/node)

  • NETWORK defined into the config file. ( NETWORK=AUTO or NETWORK=POLYGON)


Config file example:

You can either manually update the settings in the config file or just upgrade to the latest git version and run the installer to select the appropriate option for you:

$ cd ~/mvp-pox-node && sudo git pull && ./

*** 1. Automatic = This option will set polygon Mainnet if your wallet has MATIC, otherwise will set bloxberg Mainnet (recommended for most users)

*** 2. Polygon Mainnet (ECLD) = This option will set polygon Mainnet and you should ensure that your wallet contains MATIC for gas fee

Useful information:

POLYGON_CONTRACT_ADDRESS: 0x439945BE73fD86fcC172179021991E96Beff3Cc4

POLYGON_HEARTBEAT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS: 0x2baddae93fdb8fae61a60587b789f27bf407406f

POLYGON_IMAGE_REGISTRY: 0x689f3806874d3c8A973f419a4eB24e6fBA7E830F


You can verify if the node makes a contract call on Polygon at this link:

Last updated